Thursday, January 19, 2006

We are all here to go.

On a birthday, one has the tendency to examine one's life. I am never satisfied. The writer Charles Bukowski's tombstone and epitaph say it best, devoid of pretense and typical flowery poetic language. I'd like to make a toast "Here is to the Genuinely Disatisfied". I going to Aqueduct and try to forget about all the ambitious go-getters. Remember "horses don't bet on people and neither do I"

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Billy Jack

I just finished watching the Billy Jack Collection given to me by a friend. It reminded me of how much I hate Politicians, Corporate America and Ambitious Go-Getters. Tom Loughlin was and is a genuine American Hero and middle finger to all the shit thrown at us, especially in a time of war. What a great film! Keep on Keeping on, and do your own thing. I wish this guy was President.